Urban development support
We carry out strategic analysis of land portfolios: standardisation of assets, classification according to parameters that determine liquidity, recommendations for management progress up to the optimum point (balance between costs to be incurred and income to be obtained) and definition of a real estate business plan.
- Economic-financial viability report, obligatory in the processing of development instruments.
- Economic sustainability report, obligatory in the processing of development instruments.
- Demand studies (qualitative and quantitative).
- Commercial due diligence for the definition of the real estate product to be promoted (architectural programme, design, qualities, sale/rent prices, product mix, etc.).
- Valuation of compensation claims for existing elements incompatible with development.
- Valuation of 10% of the use to be acquired from the administration.
- Valuation of expropriation due to non-adherence to the compensation board.
- Determination of the exchange coefficient to facilitate the development of areas.
- Reports to support the renegotiation of urban development agreements.
- Technical documents to support new proposals based on unsustainability (for the administration) and unfeasibility (for the developers).
- Drafting of planning and/or management instruments: general plan modifications, partial plans, compensation projects, urbanization projects.
- Drafting of special plans (such as land use changes).