Each luxury asset is unique, which is why our appraisals in this market are carried out with a high level of thoroughness and detail.
Appraisal reports in accordance with Spanish regulations (Order ECO/805/2003), issued by an independent appraisal company approved by the Bank of Spain, such as Tecnitasa, are required when a property is purchased with financing from a financial institution in Spain or when the property is located in Spain, even if it is a non-Spanish financial institution.
The Tecnitasa Group prepares valuation reports in accordance with RICS standards for different purposes: to guarantee a loan in the financing processes in the case of a foreign financial institution, or to support the financing process in the case of a Spanish financial institution, by providing an understanding of the operational possibilities and the value of the asset. In addition, our RICS reports support investors by providing an independent opinion of value in acquisition processes.
+1500 luxury real estate appraisal reports issued over the last two years with a value of more than 5.2 billion
Advisory area specialising in advice for development, support for financing and investment in prime real estate assets.
To help you make the best decision, we provide reports on the current status of the asset, its potential risks and alternative operating options.
We have a broad and tailored vision for your needs. We want to help you achieve your goals, and that’s why we offer tailored advice aimed at optimising asset management.
International valuation, advisory and sustainability group with more than 40 years’ experience. Ranked first in terms of geographical presence in Spain with 50 offices and operations in more than 30 countries. With more than 400 professionals, we provide exclusive services tailored to the needs of the luxury segment.
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